26 abril 2009

e lah se vai mais um domingo...

pq tem horas q a gnt soh precisa parar e respirar
e lembrar q no final td se encaixa e dá certo
q se Ele tah controle, everything is gonna be all right
q He put my life 2gether when i place all my pieces b4 Him
no need to put it 2gether myself - He'll do it
i just need to surrender
give everything to Him
give everything for Him
someday i'll understand the meaning of it all :)
enquanto isso a gnt continua confiando
e seguindo em frente!
always looking forward!
no matter what happens in the end
living life to the full
knowing Him n making Him known
we can do it!
He has done it already!
amem e amem.

mudando d assunto
talia ganho 'so u think u can dance'!!!
eu qria taanto q o charlie tivesse ganhado...
mas enfim
mto boa ela tb!

and there u go
charlie n talia num contemporary pocante c a apresentadora mais bebada da historia

e eu fiz offering no voltage hojeee!!
check the verse i read:
"Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that."
(eph 5.2)
isnt it cool?!
pretty much speaks 4 itself ey?

e foi country w/end no kids!
e foi iceskating + movies c fuel hj a tarde!
e eu terminei meu assesment!!
e falta faze minha community presentation p amanha...
oh my! we'll do it!

e organizar a week pq vai ser intensa!
but i just love it!

e tah frio!!

e no fim td fica bom c musica boa
'o lugar' repetindo incessantemente no itunes.
fave fave fave!