13 abril 2009

qué ir mais eu? vamo!

e dá-lhe páscoa!
vamos ao ocorrido, sim?!

office, office, office
reign over me

2x events - kids
almoço na day+angela
a lot like love
book na arvore roxa
filme novo do zach ephron

lugar com mtas arvores e um rio c povo da minha dearest tribo do fuel
celular qse morto (qse me deixa morta!)
chai latte
events - kids
charles wilsons war

voltage, voltage - gotta love them!
call family back home
tentativa de aladdin
2.30hrs d carpark
events - kids
mais carpark!
so u think u can dance

(ao som de david crowder e delirious? pq old school é legal)
ser docemente acordada pelas ligaçoes incessantes da minha querida irma as 9am!!
assesments e emails
sisterhood of the traveling pants
cafe + cs lewis
charlotte gray at day+angela
wizard of oz - "for nearly 40 years this story has given faithful service to the Young in Heart; and time has been powerless to put its kindly philosophy out of fashion..."

n above all amazed w Gods love 4 me!!
grateful 4 all He has done!
i just dont want 2 get so 'busy' n forget why im doing all these
its just nonsense doing it 4 the sake of doing
but when my eyes r on Him
n on His love
n on how He just gave His life up 4 me!
it all makes sense
n its worth it sacrificing my time to bless n love ppl!
- it isnt a big thing compared to what He did...
but its what i have now... so its what i give
i wish i had more... so i could give more..
but He knows my heart...
isnt it amazing??!
He is so big! but still, He knows me!
n even knowing me, He loves me!
He 1st loved me!
n now theres nothing else to do but love Him w all i am :)

sylvie guillem e russel maliphant essa semana no opera house!

“When geniuses collide, sparks fly…so fluently beautiful that you wish it could go on forever.” Daily Telegraph, UK

Best New Dance Production Laurence Olivier Awards 2006Best Choreography (Modern) National Dance Awards 2006Outstanding Performer in Dance Time Out Live Awards 2006Dance Category South Bank Show Awards 2006

Sylvie Guillem – the most ‘brilliant ballerina of her generation’ – joins groundbreaking dancer/choreographer Russell Maliphant for a performance of profound beauty, serene grace and astonishing power.

Encompassing Maliphant’s vast experience of ballet, contemporary dance, capoeira, tai chi and yoga, the mixed program features two solos from Guillem, another from Maliphant, and a duet that “comes as close to perfection as dance can”. The Telegraph, UK

“Magical and magnificent...As spectacular a showcase for Guillem’s unique gifts as anyone could devise.” The New York Times

PUSH: produced by Sadler’s Wells in collaboration with Russell Maliphant and Sylvie Guillem


e pq as pessoas n gostam de contemporaneo??!

red rover, red rover.