17 fevereiro 2009

for such a time as this.

mta coisa acontece em 12 dias
de queda drástica da temperatura to gravação do i heart (or whatever it was),
últimas semanas have been quite epics!

li 'one night w the king' in the last 2 days devido a minha cold e a consequente falta de vontade de sair de casa...
but what a book!!

"when u r in the presence of the King of kings, destiny - not just ur own but the world's - can change in the twinkling of an eye."

"i never forget those moments w the King of kings, not ever. today, i suppose i am the most expendable person u could imagine. an old infirm man. one good whack of a bandit's sword would do me in. yet i remember, w/out vanity i hope, that i have stood in His presence n found favor w Him. n no one can ever take the joy, the knowledge, the certainty of that away."

"i hoped as much 4 u, dear. but u know, i learned long ago, after the death of our families, that sometimes we have to live w far less than our highest wish. yet even, G-d walks through he disappointment w us. we r not second-class persons to Him just because our lives have taken us to some low places - some of them of our own making, some of them not. i believe even then He can do mighty things through us. He can reveal a ourpose 4 our suffering. your story is not over, hadassah. in fact, i'm convinced it has hardly begun."

"but i could not afford to spend time pining 4 the past time in my life. the present demanded all i could give. n more."

"influence flows from intimacy - true influence based on the deepest trust flows out of the richest intimacy."

"...always remember that favor can restore in a day what was stolen over a lifetime."

no mais, mto fuel, mto voltage, mto youth, mto kids, mtos offices, mtas calls, mtos carparks, mtos tutorials, mats classes, mtos espressos (short, strong n powerful!), mtas chapels, mta gnt nova, mtos emails, mtos txts, mtos packs, mtas piadinhas, mta roupa p lavar, mtos - mas mtos - coffees, mtos chicletes, mtos rdgs, mtos cgs, mta chuva, mto vento, mta chuva de vento, mto crombie, e mais um pouco de café.
e lots of faith, hope n LOVE.
coz in the end, thats all that matters :)

thats all folks.
much love.

-ps 18. 20